If you guessed tourist then you're right. Someone said I look like a Japanese tourist :)
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Happy Halloween!
If you guessed tourist then you're right. Someone said I look like a Japanese tourist :)
Friday, October 29, 2004
Car in the shop
It has a powerful and smooth engine and handles corner better than my Corolla but I still love my Corolla's steering feel.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Part 3 - Manufacturers, Conclusion, Raw data
These are the brands of phones that my friends carry:
As we can see from the graph, many people carry a Nokia or a Sony Ericsson. In the industry, Nokia leads in marketshare while Sony Ericsson holds the fifth spot behind both Motorola and Samsung.
I’ve presented you a lot of graphs and you’ve been asking me about my sample population. My sample population are my friends. Most of them are Chinese with a mix of Canadian-born and Hong Kong-born. My statistics techniques are very primitive but I’m going to give some ideas to explain the graphs that I’ve presented.
Most phones my friends are using were approved by the FCC in 2002 and 2003. At that time Nokia had the largest marketshare, making it highly probable that a phone purchased would be a Nokia. Many of the Sony Ericssons belong to Hong Kong Chinese who are very into Sony things - they have Sony TVs, Sony desktops, Sony Camcorder, Sony VCR, and Sony digital camera. I admit that I have half of those Sony electronics.
The large number of people having bar-type phones can be explained by looking at the manufacturers of the phones my friends buy. Until recently, Nokia has only released bar phones. Sony Ericsson mainly produces bar phones as well. Their exceptions are the Z200 (not designed by Sony Ericsson but just branded by them), the Z600, the Z1010, and the upcoming S700 and S710a. That already accounts for 59% of the sample population.
Colour screens began to become affordable in late 2002. Many of my friends are split between phones made in 2002 and those in 2003 so the 50/50 split is evident in the cell phones by colour screen graph.
Only recently has camera phones become affordable and available throughout the lineup of service providers. I’m sure in the next two years a lot of my friends will have camera phones. The Motorola V220 camera phone can be had at Rogers for $49.99 with a 3 year contract.
I wanted to do a price survey to find out the dollar amount people paid for their phone but that information was difficult to collect and varied a lot because the value of phones depreciate quickly.
Everyday we see people around us. We take notice to what people wear, what people drive, what people carry with them. Perhaps after reading this blog you will take notice to what kind of phone someone is carrying with them. They’re convenient and something that almost everyone carries around with them. Looking at the raw data, you can see most people still view their phones as a mere communications tool. But that is exactly how cars started, as a mere transportation tool, and look at it now.
Raw data is available
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to send them my way by leaving a comment.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Part 2 – Form, Screen, Camera
We can see from my survey the following result:
A large number of people use bar-style phones such as those from Nokia. They are the most traditional design, dating back to the original brick phones.
One feature that has made leaps and bounds on cell phones is the screen. It is something that a user looks at most often when using their cell phone. It was just a bit over a year ago that colour screen phones appeared on Canadian service provider lineups. Although many of my friend’s contracts aren’t up yet, a large number have colour screen phones:
A more recent feature that is quickly being implemented more and more cell phone models are cameras. Telus was the first with a colour screen phone in Canada and they’re also the first ones with a camera phone in their lineup.
As you can see, not a lot of people I know have camera phone, most likely because it’s still a relatively new feature in cell phones in Canada. Perhaps we’ll all be doing photo blogs in the near future.
Part 3 – Manufacturers, Conclusion, Raw data
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Part 1 - Cellphones
The original cell phone was envisioned as a tool to give us the freedom to receive calls even when we’re not at home. Since the first cell phone call in 1973 by Martin Cooper, the cell phone has continually developer combining many functions normally found in other devices such as phone book, organizer, alarm, timer, camera, and more recently portable music player. But its original purpose as a communications device remains its top priority even today.
In the cell phone industry, a few different technologies exist to facilitate cell phone communications. Recent technologies enable cell phones to place calls, receive calls, send short messages called SMS, send images and/or sounds as MMS, or even browse the Internet. In Toronto, there are two main technologies being used CDMA and GSM. Since this won’t be a technical discussion, I won’t go into details about how each works but know that the two are not interchangeable so a phone designed for the CDMA network won’t work on the GSM network and vice versa. Now for service providers, Bell and Telus run on CDMA while Rogers and Fido run on GSM. Now for the survey results:
As you can see, a disproportionate number of my friends are using GSM phones so they are using either Fido or Rogers. GSM phones use a SIM card to store account information. By placing your SIM card into any GSM phone (assuming it is not locked to a service provider), you can immediately use that phone and phone calls to you will reach that cell phone. CDMA phones in North America do not work this way and require someone to either punch in codes to set up the account or to program it using a special cable connected to a computer. The advantage easily goes to GSM by allowing users to easily switch phones. Great convenience when your phone is damaged and you need to buy another one or borrow one from a friend.
Part 2 – Form, Screen, Camera
Monday, October 25, 2004
Nothing to write about
At home I had a long discussion about family structure. There's two main ways to how families work. The first is where after finishing high school the child mainly supports him/herself financially and moves out quickly after graduating post secondary. The second is merging the child's money into the family so that he/she cannot distinguish what is his and what is not but he/she does not have to worry about money as much. But this carries the idea that he/she should support the family after post secondary. I find myself the latter. A lot of my friends seem to be the former and are already preparing to move out. In a way I am envious of them but I know I have a responsibility to my family. At least I don't have to worry about cooking everyday.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Here are some pics at the beginning of convocation:
Do you think I'll begin to miss the math building corridors?
lol I don't think so. I've been out of school for 6 months already and I only miss the friends and time we had together. What do you miss most about school?
Friday, October 22, 2004
Sushi on Friday
It was good eating. I didn't take a picture of our food since I think everyone at the table would look weird at me.
Here's a picture I grabbed as we left.
Doesn't that guy in the pic look like Neo?
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Video Phone
It's a video phone from HK! The middle part is the screen and the left is the headset. Cool eh? doesn't look like a phone. Wonder what it can do in Canada. I also went to Times Square but i forgot to take a pic so no mall guessing for today. By the way, congrats to Jonathan again! He's right. It's Yorkdale. I'm tired now... been a long day. Good night.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Shopping after work... again
So where did I shop? guess :)
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Twoooo's day
So on Tuesday I went to work out at the gym downstairs. i had a personal trainer for the first visit so he showed me most of the machines and how to use them. We talked about what I was planning to do at the club and I said it was to build muscle. We talked a bit about eating healthy so that made me think about dinner that night. I decided that after listening to him mention eating healthy, I wouldn't be doing Big Macs that evening. So I was going to eat healthy. I didn't find a Quizno's so I went to KFC
Monday, October 18, 2004
Shopping after work
See if you can guess which mall it is. Did you say my camera sucks so much that you can't make out where it is? Well... the camera isn't very good but I couldn't stand still for too long. I didn't want someone to think I was taking a picture of them.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Do people that go to Woodsworth really live here??
Just kidding, they have a more normal apartment but it wasn't fun to take a picture of.
Here's another residence I frequently pass by:
I hope that's enough pictures to make up for yesterday's void
Friday, October 15, 2004
Meat Washing?
Click the image above for a link to the video. Too bad it's small so you can't see the juicy details.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
I'm at home right now typing and transferring our camcorder tapes onto VHS tapes. It's not too fun and time consuming but I am seeing things I've never seen before. Here's my set up:
Wish someone else was doing it and not me.
Haha! While I'm watching this, I'm hearing about how they're recording this all for me and saying "Hi" to me. This tape was recorded more than 2 years ago and this was the first time I saw it. I can't believe they took so many pictures of trees and hills without anyone in it. The Internet has made looking for those pictures so easy.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Should I join?
After work I ventured down to the Sports Club of Canada. It reminded me of Waterloo but with more cycles and weight machines. Nothing really special. Still thinking whether I should join.
The blue highlighted ones in the image below are the ones included with the membership. Closest to me is Steeles and Leslie... about a 30 minute drive away. Hmm... that's as far as going to work.
Update: OK I'm joining now. I have to go 3 times a week to actually make it worth it. Perhaps I'll even go on a day on the weekend.